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Award Applicants the following are the requirements for completing the application packet.

The nomination form must be filled out by its due date. After the nomination period closes, all nominees will receive a link to submit all required information and documents.  It is recommended to have all documents ready to upload as the form will not save your progress.  It must be filled out in one sitting.

Nomination form may be found here.

Faxed or e-mailed pages are not accepted. The following must be uploaded in pdf format to the form linked in the email received after the nomination process is complete.

  • Resume ( 12 point size font, Arial)
  • One personal statement from the nominee. In addition to a personal testament, the letter must address the following questions:

•·         What characteristics do you possess that indicate you are a highly qualified science teacher?

•·         How do you address inquiry and problem solving in your science teaching?


  • Minimum of 2 additional letters of support. These may be from colleagues, administrators, parents, students or others who are familiar with the nominee’s performance and classroom achievements.
  • An employment verification letter from the nominee’s principal (This can be a letter stating you are currently working full time at the school.)
  • Nominees must be a current member of ASTA. Membership status may be verified by contacting the ASTA Membership Chair, Madelene Loftin, at
  • All submissions must be received by the Due Date.

General questions concerning nominations may be directed to the Award Chair Amber Smalley (, Julie Neidhart (jneidhar@mcpss.comor ASTA President Liz Johnson  (

Alabama Science Teachers Association 

PMB 265

732 Montgomery Highway

Birmingham, AL 35216

   © Alabama Science Teachers Association

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