Exhibitor/Sponsor Registration Form
The Alabama Science Teachers Association is grateful for the support it receives from Sponsors, Donors and Exhibitors. Through their generous support, ASTA reaches thousands of science teachers across the state of Alabama. The following sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are available for the 2021 ASTA Virtual conference. Please complete the Exhibitor / Sponsor Registration linked above.
I. Virtual Conference Sponsor
For your $100 Sponsorship, your company will be featured in the conference app used by all attendees, two ads in upcoming ASTA newsletters, and company annual membership.
II. ASTA Awards Sponsor
Your company or organization can sponsor one or all of these teacher awards. With the sponsorship of one or more awards, you will also receive:
Contact: Kay Warfield, kaw@alsde.edu (Exhibitors/Director) or Register online at www.astascience.com