Join ASTA |
WHY JOIN ASTA? Our Vision and Guiding Principles The Alabama Science Teachers Association is a professional organization promoting excellence and innovation in science education by providing visionary leadership and professional development to support science educators in our state. The guiding principles of our organization are the basis for all of our activities. ASTA strives to:
Annual Conference ASTA sponsors and organizes a conference each year for teachers of science at all grade levels, K-16. Our spring conference has been recognized as a premier professional development opportunity for science in our state. We staunchly support the Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative and provide guidance in fulfilling the Alabama Course of Study: Science for all teachers in our state. Publications ASTA maintains a comprehensive web site with points of contact for all teachers of science in our state. We provide a listing of professional development opportunities available for teachers and other resources. ASTA also publishes a quarterly newsletter with news and views from our leadership and grade-level specific articles that have application for your classroom. Find out what is happening all over Alabama. Members have free access to archived Newsletters and Programs from previous conferences. |